The Transformative Power Behind Creativity

Simple exercises can lead to authentic discovery

As I create content for The Studio Authentic, I ask myself one crucial question each time I sit down to work: “What would have inspired or encouraged me in the early days of my journey toward happiness?” When I reflect on this, the answer isn’t about defining what authenticity means, but rather about how I could have more easily taken that first step toward it. Looking back, I wish someone had introduced me to simple creative exercises that could have helped me uncover and embrace my true, authentic self.

Having practiced the principles of The Studio Authentic for over a decade, I’ve learned that life’s transitions become much easier to navigate when you’ve honed the ability to define and recognize your truest self. It’s through this ongoing practice that making decisions in your best interest becomes second nature.

Hello there! I’m Jana!

Welcome to The Studio Authentic – the place where the daily practice of creativity takes center stage in your personal discovery process!

Before I discovered my creative practice in abstract paper art, my own discovery process began decades ago with a simple yet powerful daily practice of journaling. For years, I found solace and comfort through journaling – reflecting on my thoughts, emotions, and experiences. My journal pages were also my safe place to unload all the hurt, the anger, and the frustration I was feeling during difficult times.

It was during one particularly difficult time in my life I added a simple creative practice with paper to my routine. Each evening, I set aside time to create, letting my imagination flow through the delicate manipulation of paper. But what I thought was just a creative outlet quickly became recognized as a meditative ritual, complementing my journaling and allowing me to explore my thoughts and emotions in a tangible way. Little did I know, this one simple practice was my very first, very solid, step onto the path to discovering my truest self, deepening my relationship with creativity and bringing more personal meaning to my writing.

Creativity is KEY!

As my paper art practice deepened, this powerful combination of creativity and reflection created a momentum I had not expected. Through deeper journaling, I continued to gain clarity on my goals and desires by focusing on the ideas and thoughts that surfaced during my daily ritual with paper art. I started to see patterns in my thoughts and behaviors, understanding what truly brought me joy and fulfillment – or what could bring me joy and fulfillment. These patterns in my thoughts also put a very bright spotlight on everything that kept me stuck in fear and rooted in stagnation. This newfound clarity gave me the courage to make significant changes in my life, aligning my actions with what I believed to be my authentic self.

The combination of creativity and reflection does not magically create transition in your life. But when practiced daily, it can bring the clarity you need. And with clarity comes courage! And with courage comes serious forward momentum! My experience of combining a daily practice of creativity and reflection created serious stability when taking those first, important steps. It provided a deep trust in the process of making decisions that would lead to success in those critical moments of life transition.

It wasn’t until I was turning the big 4-0, finding myself struggling during the great recession, living in the aftermath of losing a sibling which forced me to think about regret, did I finally get honest with myself and admit that I wasn’t truly happy. It was at this point I turned to creativity, which led to a deep sense of reflection I had not expected – and it all brought me here – living, breathing, walking, working as my truest self.

The combination of creativity and reflection is the heart of The Studio Authentic.

Here, we believe that daily creative practices can unlock new ideas, bring light to undiscovered fears, and introduce new experiments that challenge us for the good, leading to profound self-discovery. Reflection and journaling provide the clarity needed to move forward with confidence and courage, making serious changes that align with our true selves, moving you toward living in the authentic mindset.

The Studio Authentic honors all that I have learned within my own journey and the deep desire to share it with others. Honoring my truest self means placing profound trust in the process that brought me here. I trust that someone out there, maybe you, can benefit from the lessons I’ve learned, and the exercises created to help you do one thing: take that first step onto your own journey of discovery. The Studio Authentic isn’t meant to be your only resource on this journey, but it’s my sincerest hope that it will be the final first step you take toward true clarity and forward momentum.

Whether you are new to creative or reflective practices or looking to deepen your existing ones and make them part of your natural routine, The Studio Authentic is here to provide inspiration, guidance and encouragement to begin your own daily routine with creativity and reflection. I invite you to spend some time within the FAQ page, and invite you to join our mailing list to stay informed as this exciting community moves through its infancy and into a collective community that builds support and encouragement for each other.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you!