
Ignite your creativity. Find your authentic self.

AU·THEN·TIC [Adjective]:
true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character; genuine.


Welcome to The Studio Authentic, your personal sanctuary for sparking creativity and embracing your true self. Here, we celebrate the transformative power of daily creative practices and reflection, guiding you in uncovering your own clarity and courage as you navigate life’s transitions. Our thoughtfully curated resources and inspiring content are here to help you weave artistic expression and mindful introspection into the fabric of your everyday life. Whether you’re on a path of self-discovery or simply seeking to infuse more creativity into your day, The Studio Authentic is here to guide and inspire you. Dive in and discover how our unique approach to creativity and reflection can empower you to live with greater authenticity.

Explore Our Mission

The Studio Authentic Mission is rooted in the belief that integrating creativity into our daily routines unveils clarity through reflection and summons the courage needed for transformative life changes. Whether you’re navigating personal transitions, seeking to heal from past challenges, or striving to embrace new opportunities, beginning with creativity and introspection sets us on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Each creative act and moment of contemplation allows us to deepen our self-awareness, gradually cultivating resilience and confidence to navigate life’s challenges with conviction.

Join the Journey!

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Join our mailing list to be among the first to experience the exciting developments at The Studio Authentic! As a follower, you’ll receive regular bursts of inspiration, exclusive content, and early updates on our upcoming Creative Insider subscription. Enjoy sneak peeks, personalized resources, and a closer connection to our creative and reflective practices. When Creative Insider launches, you’ll be the first to know and the first to join this exclusive opportunity. Don’t miss out—sign up today and begin your inspiring journey with us!

Meet the Founder

Jana Dunn – Paper Artist, Writer, Life Shift Mentor

“Creating paper art with intricate details provides an opportunity to turn off and tune out, allowing me to tap into and discover whatever wants discovering.”

After a long career in business and project management, Jana began creating with paper as a way to unwind at the end of each day. While she initially viewed this as a fun outlet, she quickly realized her evening practice with paper art led to creative problem-solving and the generation of BIG ideas. Eventually, she left her business career to practice art full-time, trust in her own creativity, and honor where it led her.

Jana draws from her personal journey as inspiration, empowering others to navigate life’s transition with creativity and clarity. Her journey has led her to establish this online resource dedicated to fostering authenticity and personal growth through the practice of daily creative expression and reflection. Let Jana be the first to welcome you to The Studio Authentic!

Journey reflections

“Jana carries you along through processing your journey with strong gentle hands. One feels a sense of safety, inspiration and productive reflection. Her authenticity shines through her writing, creating a pure connection to one’s own experiences and brings meaning and vision forward. Everyone would do well to invest in this journey.”

Shelley Anne – Soul Coach

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